Last Saturday, the road between Lodwar and Kitale was blocked by residents at the Kainuk bridge in Turkana County, and in the course inconveniencing innocent travellers.

Residents who have had a long-standing problem with security decided to take matters into their own hands. It shows they no longer trust the Government with their security.

Over the years, the region has had to contend with insecurity fuelled by tribal animosity between the Pokot and Turkana. The vice is fed by incessant cases of cattle rustling.

The frequent raids between the communities culminated in the killing of more than 24 police officers in the area last month, forcing the Government to deploy the military in Kapedo. That, however, did not sanitise the situation for even as the security forces were carrying out their operation, occasional raids were reported.

While we agree Turkana residents have the right to demand for protection from the Government, holding travellers hostage for a problem that is not of their making must be condemned.

By yesterday, travellers had been held hostage for more than 24 hours, an occurrence that only helps to highlight lack of adequate security in the area.

Hostages who spoke to the Press claimed only four policemen turned up to clear the road but they retreated when they realised they too were helpless in the face of several angry residents. It was reported that some of the 'hostage takers' carried guns and an assortment of crude weapons.

That the local administration was helpless and could not contain the situation must alert the Government of the need to deploy more security personnel to the area.

It tells much when citizens take the law into their own hands. It speaks volumes when they hold the Government to ransom, but it should not be lost on us that this is how social disorder starts.

What happened in Kainuk is a clear manifestation of breakdown in law and order. There is danger of such unlawful acts happening elsewhere as insecure civilians take matters into their own hands. Criminal elements could take advantage of such occurrences to create more uncertainty.

Understandably, the Government is doing its best to restore order, but those efforts must be manifest for them to reassure the citizens.