By Cyrus Ombati

The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Keriako Tobiko has given police seven days to investigate alleged assault by MP Gideon Mbuvi on a senior parliamentary staff.

Tobiko told commissioner of police Mathew Iteere in a letter dated October 17 that the investigations into the incident be carried out by officers of such senior rank and experience as warranted by the current circumstances.

“This is to direct you pursuant to Article 157(4) of the constitution to cause a speedy and thorough investigation to be carried into the said incident and have your report thereon submitted to me within seven days for appropriate action,” read part of the letter.

Speaker of National Assembly Keneth Marende had asked the DPP, police and House Privileges Committee to probe the alleged assault which occurred on October 11.

The parliamentary officer alleged to have been assaulted by Mr Mbuvi is a Senior Sergeant-at-Arms in Parliament and he recorded a statement at the Parliament Police Station on the same day. He has also obtained a Medical Examination Report (P3) from the Kenya Police Surgeon.

Marende said the National Assembly (Powers and Privileges Act) that protects MPs should not be abused.

“My Office takes seriously any breach or abuse of parliamentary powers or privileges,” said Marende.

The incident happened when the MP confronted Attorney General Githu Muigai over a piece of land in Muthangari area that the legislator claims is public property. It was as the altercation went on that the parliamentary staff intervened that he was assaulted.

"My attention has been drawn to concerns raised regarding allegations of assault made against the Gideon Kioko Mbuvi, Member of Parliament for Makadara Constituency," Marende said in a statement.

"I have directed all parliamentary officers who may have witnessed the alleged assault to record statements at the Parliament Police Station forthwith. I further appeal to all Honourable Members of Parliament who may have witnessed the alleged assault to record their statements at the Parliament Police Station within the next three days.”

Marende has summoned an urgent meeting of the potent Powers and Privileges Committee on October 25 to discuss the allegations of assault leveled against Mbuv when police are expected to be through with their probe.

Marende said the officers at Parliament’s Police Station are actively involved in investigating the matter.

Other members of the Committee are Mutula Kilonzo, Githu Muigai, Millie Odhiambo, Martha Karua, James Gesami, Nuh Nassir, Chris Okemo, Eugene Wamalwa, Peter Munya and Fred Kapondi.