Nyeri Governor Mutahi Kahiga and his deputy Caroline Karugu distribute fruit tree seedlings to farmers at Wambugu Agriculture Training Centre. [Muchiri Ndirangu]


Nyeri County Government has distributed fruit tree seedlings and other crops to farmers for planting during the short rains.

Over 200 farmers’ groups received Hass avocado and macadamia tree seedlings, certified bean seeds and desmodium.

Governor Mutahi Kahiga and his deputy Caroline Karugu, while distributing the planting materials at Wambugu ATC, said the fruit tree seedlings would help improve tree cover in the county.

The seedlings are also expected to provide fruits, which will improve food and nutrition security and supplement farmers’ income.

The farmers were issued with three beans varieties which include GLP 2 (Rose coco), GLP 92 (Mwitemania) and Wairimu dwarf.

“Our aim is to help promote food and nutrition security in the county by making good use of the short rains. These bean seeds will be used for consumption as well as seed multiplication,” said Kahiga.

He called on farmers to give out the bean seeds to their neighbours when they finally mature. The county has also established plant health clinics in each of the 30 wards to help farmers in the control of crop pests and diseases.

This will give farmers a chance to get expert advice on effective farming methods and agrochemicals that will help improve crop yields.

Kahiga also called on the youth to embrace agribusiness and venture in diverse farming activities so as to generate income and be self-reliant.

“We have also procured six vehicles to improve mobility for our Artificial Insemination services providers to ensure that they deliver the services right at your homes” said the governor.

The farmers will also receive desmodium planting materials aimed at improving animal nutrition.

The plant which is rich in nitrogen and protein will be distributed to 52 farmers’ groups across various wards for demonstration.

“This will help you cut the costs of production as the plant will provide a regular supply of protein for your livestock and help boost production,” he added.