The placenta also known as afterbirth is the link between the fetus and the dam when the fetus is in-utero. It provides the way for nutrition intake from the dam and wastes excretion from the fetus. Cows sometimes do not drop the afterbirth immediately after giving birth. 

Placenta expulsion normally takes place within 3-8 hours after delivery of the calf. 

 Retained placenta is a common complication after calving; if the cow doesn't shed those membranes within about 12 -24 hours, it's considered to be retained.

As a farmer you should not try to manually remove the afterbirth.

Causes of Retained Placenta

The incidence for placenta retention in dairy cows is averagely around 10% and lower in beef cows. This risk is increased by:

  1. abortion,
  2. difficult calving or dystocia,
  3. milk fever,
  4. twin births,
  5. obesity or very thin cows
  6. advancing age of the cow,
  7. premature birth,
  8. inflammation of the placenta
  9. nutritional disturbances such as of Selenium, Vitamin A, Copper and iodine increase the incidence of retained placenta. Giving the cow these trace elements prior to calving or in the dry period reduces the incidence of retained after birth.
  10. There is a genetic implication and cows which retain their placenta in the presence of a nutritionally balanced diet and giving birth to a calf of normal size and with no complications should not be considered for further breeding since their daughters may tend to retain placenta as well. 

 Symptoms to look out for in placenta retention 

Degenerating, discolored and increasingly unpleasant-smelling membranes are seen hanging from the vulva more than 24 hours after calving. Occasionally the retained membranes may remain within the uterus and may not be readily apparent, but their presence is usually signaled by a foul-smelling discharge.

The most common Symptoms include:

  1. A drop in milk yield
  2. Fever or elevated body temperature
  3. Lack of appetite
  4. Straining
  5. Frequent urination
  6. Diarrhea 
  7. A foul smelling vaginal discharge

These symptoms are more likely to occur in cases where placenta retention follows extensive interference as in a difficult calving.

Treatment for retained placenta:

Some uncomplicated cases of retained placenta require no treatment. Consult your Vet immediately.

Some veterinarians are of the opinion that treatment should only be considered if the animal appears to become sick (beginning blood poisoning).

Manual removal of retained fetal membranes in the cow is not recommended, is potentially harmful, and can be a source of infection in the uterus.

If the placenta does not drop as normal within the first hours after calving, let the calf suckle many times or stimulate the udder manually, because this releases the hormone oxytocin which also help in releasing the afterbirth.

If this does not help, keep an eye on the cow that she does not get ill, and wait for 12 hours to see if the retained placenta drops and if not then call a veterinarian to judge the situation and treat the animal if relevant.

In some cases, the remaining’s of the afterbirth comes when the cow is in heat first time after the birth, and it may cause a delay in getting pregnant again, but without other complications.

If a retained afterbirth is not treated it can potentially cause severe infection of the cow and lead to death or infertility. The veterinarian will judge the risk and may treat with antibiotics to avoid that situation.
