Chebet Rohoh and Kate Actress. (Courtesy)

Content creator Chebet Ronoh, has been making headlines recently for her attacks on fellow influencers who she claims have been using her content to gain popularity. However, former personal assistant Naturality Michelle, also known as Michelle Kaibere, has now come forward with some interesting insights into Ronoh's behavior.

Michelle, who has her own YouTube channel, had previously interviewed Ronoh as one of her first guests. However, during the recording of some online content, the two had a falling out. Michelle said in an interview with YouTuber Nicholas Kioko that Ronoh had texted her after the recording to say that she had lost interest in the content they had created together.

Michelle was hurt because she had invested a lot of time in creating content with Ronoh only for her to disregard it. Michelle decided to create her own content after the falling out, and Ronoh later explained to her that her body was not feeling well at the time and their "stars were not aligned."

"I went to my place after we were done with the recordings but Ronoh texted me to say that she wasn't feeling everything we had done," said Michelle.

But that's not all. Michelle thinks that Ronoh should be grateful to Kate Actress for using her hashtag instead of accusing her of stealing her content.

"For Kate it's really painful because she is a mother and someone who can also be your mother. If she used the name, Aunty Debs, it should be a win for you because this is someone who has a great voice in the media," said Michelle.

Michelle added that Ronoh has gone through depression, and she's been to a rehabilitation facility because she was overdoing drugs at some point in her life. She suggested that Ronoh's recent behavior could be related to an upcoming diss track or a relapse in her mental health.

However, Michelle thinks that Ronoh's mental health shouldn't be an excuse for her to drag other beautiful women in the mud.

Ronoh has been making headlines recently with her claims of being the original creator of the "Aunty Debs" character, which has been portrayed by both herself and Kate Actress. In response, Kate Actress praised Ronoh's creativity and diffused the situation.

"We love Aunty Debs, we want to be Aunty Debs, the rich aunty. You are such an incredible, consistent content creator. I celebrate you Rono. Keep shining," responded Kate.

The drama has been causing a stir online, but it seems like Michelle's insights have offered context to the situation. Whether or not Ronoh's claims of being the original creator of the "Aunty Debs" character hold any water, it's clear that there is much more going on behind the scenes.