Maureen Waititu and Frankie Justgymit [Photo: Courtesy]

After months of silence, despite news of their break up going viral on social media, popular YouTuber and media sensation Maureen Waititu has opened up for the first time on her split from Frankie Justgymit.

Speaking during an interview with Parents Magazine where the mother of two was recently featured, Waititu explained that her relationship with Frankie had long ended before the public got to know of it adding that their break up was expected as they had put their lives out in the open for everyone to see.

“It is to be expected because we put our lives out there and our online ‘in-laws’ who were also invested in the relationship were and are still curious to know what happened. I’m still dealing with it. It takes time to come to terms with a breakup because of the physical and emotional toll… it feels almost like grief because I feel like I’ve lost someone who ideally I wanted to grow old with. It took me to a really dark place and it’s definitely not the way I envisioned things,” said Maureen.

Break up

Waititu and Frankie - who went by the name Alphabeta online- broke the internet sometime last year with their impeccable maternity shoot that attracted more attention to their already existing YouTube popularity.

Their relationship, however, went south soon after they welcomed their second son. Curious netizens noticed their irregular uploads and fewer pictures of them together prompting Frankie to set the record straight.

“Maureen and I, we had our differences and decided to go our separate ways,” wrote Frankie.

Maureen Waititu and Frankie Justgymit [Photo: Courtesy]

Moving on too fast?

With reports circulating on social media that he had allegedly moved on with Natalie Tewa; also a YouTuber, Frankie, furious, took to his Instagram and set the record straight.

He warned netizens from spreading false rumours as it was making the healing process for him and Waititu harder.

“Good morning guys just want to address a few things. There has been rumours and speculations which we tried to ignore but it’s getting out of hand. Not every woman that I talk to, work with or post is in a relationship with me. Kindly let us be mature about this. Natalie Tewa... This story is too farfetched.

“The point of this is to let you know that people might say something to be funny or relevant on Twitter and Instagram but someone’s day to day life is being affected. We are not in a good place yet. I have known Maureen for 6 years and loved her every one of those years. That kind of love doesn’t fade. Sometimes things just don’t happen the way you expect them to. Our main focus is the kids and creating a healthy environment for them. Extend us the courtesy,” he stated.