By Sheila Kimani (@sheilakimm)

Going by Vera’s varied metamorphosis, it seems that this socialite business is no joke!

Having been the talk of town on many occasions, she seems to be pushing her brand to the limits. If it’s not about the skin color bleaching or the boob job and enhancements, she is busy selling some product or the other.

A while back, she started selling high grade human hair weaves which her lady fans seemed to love, then she went on to the lingerie sales for which she personally modeled.

Now, she is doing waist training and providing guidance on it! Her recent photos are evidence that she has done the waist training and achieved the streamlined waist that so many people struggle and check into the gyms daily for.

At this rate, Vera will soon be specializing in all market businesses but one cannot help but wonder why she keeps hoping from one business to another.

Is her entrepreneurship game that strong? Or is she simply trying to find what works?