Claims that award-winning Afro-pop music band Sautisol lost 2,000 YouTube subscribers after a recent standoff with  Azimio coalition have been reported as null. On May 19, 2022, the boy band had threatened to sue Azimio La Umoja Coalition party for using their song ‘Extravaganza’ without license nor authority.

In a statement signed by the band members Bien Aime, Polycarp Ochieng, Willis Austin and Delvin Savara, Sauti Sol threatened to sue Raila’s Azimio la Umoja for using the song while the politician unveiled Martha Karua as his running mate.

According to AfricaCheck, "The band has 2.2 million followers on Instagram and 1.1 million followers on Twitter. But it doesn't have 2million subscribers on YouTube so could not have lost over a million. The publicly available screenshots show it lost 2,000 subscribers in a day, but then gained more. It currently has 917,000 subscribers."

Google analytics data show that the band recorded a steady growth in YouTube subscribers 30 days after the standoff. The Afro-pop group has in fact gained 8,100 subscribers after their earlier statement.

Sautisol were on the receiving end of trolls on Twitter after threatening to sue Azimio coalition for copyright infringement. After several trolls on twitter, Bien wrote on his Instagram page,

"Time will reveal. Wale wanashuka washuke saa hii. Stage yao imefika."

Thereafter, screenshots with claims that the music band lost 2,000 subscribers circulated on social media. One of the statements on social media read,

"The boy band lost 2k subscribers on Tuesday. It had 905K YouTube subscribers on Tuesday night and 903 subscribers on Wednesday morning."

Sautisol did not comment on the said claims on any of their social media platforms.