Dear single mothers, we totally get it. Being a single mother is no picnic. We know that you never planned on being a single parent and single parenthood came with a unique set of challenges that can be overwhelming. We take our hats off to you for taking up the mantle to sustain and nurture your children all by yourself. You are truly exceptional and you should be proud of yourself.

Having said that, being a single mom doesn’t give you a free pass to be insufferable on Facebook or in real life. There are a few annoying habits exclusive to single mothers that other people are afraid to point out because it would be politically incorrect.

Just try criticising single moms on Facebook and the whole social media will come down on you like a ton of bricks. I have decided to take one for the team and knock these obnoxious women down a peg or two. Here are a few things we wish single mums would shut the hell up about:

My life is, oh, so difficult!

Like I said, people actually do understand how difficult the life of a single mother can be. You have no one to turn to when you are sick or tired and just need a break. You get stressed about money since you are the sole provider and never get time for yourself because you work and take care of your kids full time.

Your life is really hard! But guess what? So is everyone else’s! Married people with kids have difficult lives. Single people without kids have difficult lives.

All sorts of people have difficult lives. When you take to Facebook every day to whine about how difficult your life is because you are a single mother, you start becoming annoying. It is not a contest of whose life sucks the most, so just shut up about it.

My deadbeat baby daddy is to blame

You can’t scroll through these Facebook groups that cater to single mothers without finding a barrage of posts slandering the baby daddies. They insult and blame them for their suffering. There is absolutely no excuse for a man to evade parental responsibility, but if you are not taking any steps to ensure a better life for you and your kids, then it is your fault you are suffering, not his. Furthermore, slandering him on social media doesn’t do squat to help your situation.

I’m fabulously single and independent, who needs a man!

Single parenthood has an uncanny way of turning pleasant woman into angry feminists. All they can talk about is how they don’t need men in their lives because they are independent and can provide for themselves. They say men are useless and criticise women who depend on men to provide for them and their children. Stop. It’s annoying!

I deserve an award

Uuhhm, no you don’t! I really don’t understand where this entitlement comes from. You are doing what you are supposed to do. Just because you take care of your kids by yourself doesn’t mean you deserve some sort of special recognition. So stop acting like a statue should be erected in your honour simply because you are a single mom.