Over the last few years, Kenyan women have literally forgotten that there is a dress code for almost every occasion, prompting the few remaining sober pastors to enforce strict dress codes for their female congregation.

But out on the streets, women have forgotten all sense of decency. Some women dress in such skimpy outfits that you can’t tell the difference between them and ladies of the night.

Look, unhinged men are everywhere. Not just in Kenya.

Trust me, even in the most developed countries, women in scanty clothes hardly get respected; they always attract the wrath of men and even fellow women.

From drawing unnecessary attention, being catcalled to other related forms of sexual harassment, especially when they venture into seedier parts of town.

Recently, a woman allegedly dressed skimpily was stripped by a bunch of idlers in Nairobi.

Though, I don’t condone attacks on women based on their mode of their dressing, the woman in question should have known that dressing indecently and strutting along in the dingy part of town was going to attract the attention of such men.

The stripping of the woman led to a massive protest under the hashtag, ‘MyDressMyChoice’ by women dressed in miniskirts. Bollocks, if you ask me.

Mpende msipende

The women claimed that how one dresses is not that important and that they should be left to dress the way they want. Come on ladies, how you dress, of course, really matters.

Let no activist or feminist lie to you that you can dress as you please. If you missed the memo, I have news for you; clothes make the man!

You can rave and rant as you want but, guess what? People will address you depending on how you dress. Mpende msipende!

Take for instance women of the night. There is a way they dress, and men never struggle to point them out.

Though a regular woman in a micro-miniskirt or any other form of skimpy dress would argue that she is not a woman of easy virtue, how would she blame men for mistaking her for one?

I mean, that is their dress code. Why dress like them, yet you are not ready to be associated with them?

Again, Kenyans are hypocrites. See, during the protests, women demanded to be left alone to dress however they want, right?

But when the late Mutula Kilonzo, as Minister for Education, suggested that school girls be allowed to wear miniskirts, it was the same characters who shouted themselves hoarse because they disagreed with him.

What happened to morals? Okay, most men don’t mind women dressing in skimpy clothes, but it should be in the bedroom not on the streets. In the streets how you are addressed depends on how you dress. Period.