Russian newspaper Sputnik has reported a surge in demand for aphrodisiacs as fans begin to embrace the warmth of the Slavic people here.

A mix of walnuts and honey taken after a meal has been selling at eateries washed down with some energising Russian coffee.

Quoting a Dmitry Schepin, a business development manager of a sex shop in the Moscow and Yekaterinburg, fans are also going for energy boosters, which can be taken unnoticed in drinks.

“This is all about love, emotions, relationships and drive,” Sputnik quotes Schepin as saying.

For the top gamers, sex shops are the hottest destinations.

 It appears the World Cup tourists have now opened up to new possibilities in the Land of Putin.

Western press had warned of ‘extreme violence’ and other news outlets calling the Fifa 2018 World Cup ed