Pastor Elkanah Luvisiah (right) outside the toilet where his son's body was retrieved. [Eric Lungai, Standard]

A casual labourer, 40, is suspected to have killed his wife, 35, then jumped into a neighbour’s pit latrine.

David Kinambendi’s body was retrieved from the toilet at Vumale in Kegoye sub location, Vihiga County.

He is believed to have killed his wife earlier before committing suicide.

Their bodies were discovered on Saturday night after they failed to return home. Their children had gotten worried and started to search for them.

The couple had lived together since 2005 and had three boys.

They did casual jobs in the neighbouring Mbale town to eke out a living.

“On Saturday while still at work in Mbale town, Kinambendi’s father called me and told me that his son and wife were missing,” said Henry Chunguli, Lugaga/Wamuluma chief.

“We started looking and asking around. Someone checked their bedroom and found the wife lying on the floor with strangulation marks on her neck,” he added.

Pastor Elkanah Luvisiah, Kinambendi’s father, said they searched the house but found no weapon that could have been used in the murder, or a note.

“He was around on Friday, but his wife was missing. I suspect  he killed his wife,” Mr Luvisiah said.

Female MPs have launched an initiative to educate the public on the need to value lives.

The initiative dubbed “Her Life Matters” comes against the backdrop of recent killings witnessed among partners in relationships, that has drawn concerns across the country.

More than 20 MPs launched the initiative in Kabarnet.

Under the aegis of “Team Embrace”, the women will partner with The Standard Group and other professionals in working on the project that is aimed at turning the national consciousness on killings in relationships.