Nakuru Governor Lee Kinyanjui (pictured) has rejected four of the ten proposed laws MCAs passed last year.

The rejected laws include the County Cooperative Revolving Fund Bill, 2019 meant to create a fund that would be used to support value addition of agricultural produce. Drafters of the law had said it would also create more jobs if approved.

Other Bills that were returned to the county assembly are Tourism and Marketing Bill, Enterprise Fund Bill and Trade Bill.

Deputy Speaker Samuel Tonui, who read the governor's memorandum yesterday, said the proposed laws were rejected mainly because they were poorly formulated and some were in conflict with other laws.

He said the issues raised by the governor will be dealt with by the respective county assembly committees.

“I am in receipt of the governor’s memorandum referring back to the House four Bills for further consideration. The Bills have some issues that need to be looked into again," said Tonui.

He added: "This will be facilitated by chairpersons of the various committees that sponsored the Bills. They will look at the issues the governor has raised before reintroducing the Bills to the county assembly for approval." 

However, some MCAs accused Tonui of failing to provide detailed reasons why the Bills were rejected.

"The Bills should not be returned to the committees because they had been passed by the entire assembly,” said Naivasha East MCA Stanley Karanja.

But Tonui said the Bills must go to the committees before they can be tabled in the House again.