Nobody can deny that there is a clear demarcation between light and darkness. As a human being, one should be able to draw a clear line between these two entities. When one is born again, his old sinful nature is cut away from him and God gives him a new nature. The new nature given to us need grow through feeding on the knowledge given to us through one who called us. For that transformation of the mind to happen, we need to spend more time fellowshipping with God through his word.

This brings me to the most controversial and debated topic of gospel music. I believe gospel musicians sing their heart out to attain God's highest standards of music. They should be aware and sensitive to His spirit.

Gospel music is an important aspect of a society because first and foremost this type of music glorifies God. Singing hymns draw your heart, soul, mind, and strength together to focus entirely and completely on the Almighty. When your heart is connected to God spirit through singing then you minister God’s heart and spirit to the rest of the world.

Through singing one is able to touch other people's hearts, they will feel to draw close to God, they will feel that the cares and burdens of this world have been lifted from their shoulders and left them free to enjoy God's given life to them. We see David playing soothing instrumentals to King Soul when he was depressed and that used to restore his happiness back. The psalms were God focused, they talk about human troubles, struggles, and inadequacies which ended up appeasing human beings and God.

Singing brings strength to many people, more so to the one that is singing. This can be justified through Acts 16:25.Paul and Silas when they were imprisoned they realized the power of songs, so they sang in praise of God until the doors of the prison which were locked opened. This is the freedom music can cause to your soul.

So it is my appeal to all gospel singers who mostly are transforming to the standard of this world through their songs to check on themselves and do the right thing. Sing songs that glorify God and speak into the lives of those who are low in spirit. As the bible clearly says in Romans:12:2 “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” 

Let the word of Christ dwell in Gospel artists richly, teaching and admonishing them in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in their hearts to God.

Gospel musician should understand that there is a spirit that is behind ungodly music which destroys the lives of many people, especially the youths. Christ has given us his name to minister unto people through gospel music which we must do through God’s guidance. Let the devil not use us in his mission of stealing, destroying and killing.