By Gilbert Wandera

Sports Minister Paul Otuoma has convened a meeting between Football Kenya Limited and the Harambee Stars Management Board today.

The meeting is expected to discuss differences between the board and Football Kenya officials over the running of Stars.

Last month FKL insisted on sending the team to South Africa for an international friendly match despite the fact the board had invited Zambia to play in Nairobi.

The stand-off did not go down well with some members of the board who petitioned the Minister over the same and demanded that FKL should be told to respect their mandate.

Sports Minister Paul Otuoma

The board was appointed three months ago by the Minister with the aim of insulating the team from political bickering in the national association and also raise funds to run Stars.

It is chaired by Mumias Sugar Chief Executive Officer Evans Kidero.

But with hours before the meeting, Erastus Okul one of the FKL vice-chairmen said they will not honour the meeting.

Okul said they will stay away in protest at Otuoma’s statement that the Government does not recognise the company.

"He has continued to insist that he does not recognise us yet the Prime Minister has given us a letter to the contrary. We have no business meeting him when he continues to deny our existence," said Okul.

Otuoma was quoted on Wednesday night saying the Government does not recognise private companies running sports in the country, which FKL is.

Okul said they would not recognise the resolutions of the said meeting.

He is also took issue with the Ministry of Sports for forming a management committee to run AFC Leopards.

"We do not recognise the committee and will not allow the club to be run by an interim body. We may even take sanctions against Leopards if the Government insists on the committee," he said.

The Ministry of Sports last week put in place a nine-member committee to run Leopards for a period of 60 days and also organise for elections within this period.

Contacted, FKL chairman Mohammed Hatimy confirmed he has received an invitation to the meeting but declined to comment any further.