Nairobi, Kenya: A form four student is admitted to hospital in Nairobi after being shot in the head during a robbery incident in Buruburu area.

George Kinuthia, 17 and a student at Don Bosco School in Embu was found with a bullet wound in the head on Sunday at about 2 pm. The incident happened in Buruburu Phase One Sos village

Area head of DCI Jeremiah Ikiao said they suspect he was shot after he resisted a robbery attempt on him.

“We initially thought it was a deal gone sour but it has emerged he was a victim of robbery. He resisted a robbery mission by gunmen prompting the shooting,” said Ikiao.

The police boss said the attackers stole some of the valuables that Kinuthia had before escaping on foot.

A neighbor who heard the gunshot called police who arrived there. The officers did not manage to make any arrest.

Cases of armed robberies are on the increase in the city. But police say they are in charge of the situation and have employed various tactics to contain the situation.