A parliamentary committee wants former Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) officials probed over the loss of Sh3 billion, which the agency deposited in Chase Bank four months before it, collapsed.

The Parliamentary Investment Committee (PIC) members said former KPA officials should be investigated for possible collusion to deprive KPA of its money in the 2015 deposit.

They said former KPA Managing Director Gichiri Ndua and former KPA chair Danson Mungatana would be summoned by the committee to explain why the deposits were made.

 “Within three months KPA deposited Sh3 billion in a small bank which was facing problems. Someone must surely take responsibility,” said Wajir West MP Ahmed Kolos.

In the past, PIC alleged that Ndua disobeyed Treasury which had directed that parastatals should invest surplus money in Treasury Bill.

On Saturday the committee said it was time the authorities dived deep into the matter and those found culpable charged to recover the funds

Kolos said KPA should have deposited the money in financially stable banks.

Shinyalu MP Justus Kizito said KPA board either failed to carry out due diligence or someone conspired to mislead it to deposit in a bank that was facing financial challenges.

“The current MD cannot be forced to carry the cross of someone else. This was theft of public money,” said Kizito who also backed calls to summon former officials.

PIC members are in Mombasa to question several parastatal heads about the audit queries raised in the 2014/2015 reports by former Auditor-General Dr Edward Ouko.