Tharaka-Nithi Senator Kithure Kindiki addressing a gathering at Kanthanje Secondary school during the institutions fundraiser on June 25. (PHOTO | KEVIN NGAI)

Senate Majority Leader Prof. Kithure Kindiki has exerted pressure to the Electoral Commission members who have not yet indicated a good will to leave office, to voluntarily resign instead of subjecting the country to a protracted process of sacking them.

The Tharaka-Nithi Senator said their resignation would save more time for the select committees from both Jubilee and the opposition towards solving the electoral body stalemate, adding that "time was running out and Kenyans are running out of patience to hear the outcome out of the anticipated talks."

He said it was not necessary for the  commissioners to wait until they get audience from the National Assembly  and the select committee to defend their positions so as to determine whether to leave, as voluntarily to resign would not be viewed as cowardice or being guilty of any abuse of office.

On Friday, it was reported that Four Members of the IEBC Mr Yusuf Nzibo, Kule Galma Godana, Albert Bwire and Abdulahi Sharawe were ready to throw in the towel but with several stipulated conditions.

However, Senator Kindiki said those who will opt to stick in office will still be ejected through deserving methods since the electoral body must be 'cleaned' before the next general elections.

Speaking during a fundraiser at Kanthanje Secondary School, in Chuka/Igambang'ombe constituency on Saturday, where he presented Deputy President Mr. William Ruto's contribution of Sh1.5 million to aid developments in the school, Prof Kindiki described the will of the four commissioners who have indicated willingness to resign as an act of sacrifice and patriotism.

"You should not wait for the Parliament to kick you out of office, you can voluntarily leave and I want to assure you that no one will hold you culpable of any abuse of office for doing so, I want to laud the commissioners who have indicated their willingness to resign for that is showing act of sacrifice and patriotism," he said.

Kindiki added that the move has also played a major role in uniting Kenyans.

Chuka/Igambang'ombe MP Muthomi Njuki said that the cord leaders should not dictate to them the people who were going to be in the committee and said they were going to retain Moses Kuria because he was their goal keeper.