Police in Machakos have arrested a teacher at Iluvya Secondary School who is alleged to have defiled his student, a Form II girl in a lodging within Machakos town.

The teacher is said to have met the girl in Machakos town on January 5 and lured her into a lodging where he defiled her.

Machakos Sub-County District Criminal Investigation Officer Rhoda Kanyi on Saturday confirmed the teacher was arrested and held for questioning.

According to a show-cause letter authored by the school’s principal and addressed to the teacher, the girl was later abandoned by the teacher in the room.

The teacher was later found in his house.

“On January 5, it was reported that you met the Form II student in Machakos town and that you hired a room and had sex with her. This goes against the principles of good conduct for teachers,” the letter, which The Standard obtained a copy of, reads in part.

The letter is copied to the secretary of the Teachers Service Commission (TSC), Machakos County director of TSC as well as the chairman of the Board of Management of Iluvya Secondary School.