She has been accused of getting overly political on stage before but Madonna sunk to a new low this week with a strip-show dedication to a Pakistani girl shot at by the Taliban.

Malala Yousafzai, 14, hit the headlines last week when she was attacked alongside two classmates on a school bus. The teenage girl was fighting to get an education in the extremely conservative North West of the country and has now been flown to the UK for treatment.

But the Khyber Pass is a long way from Los Angeles and many thought a strip show in support of girls’ education was tasteless to say the least. According to Entertainment Today, the global superstar said she had cried when she heard the news about Malala.

The raunchy mother of four rallied her fans in support of girls’ education at her concert in LA before revealing the modest ninth-grader’s name written on her back. The irony of the immodesty may not have fully hit Madonna, who recently stumbled into another Islamic gaff, calling President Obama ‘a Muslim.’

She later denied that she was serious but the damage was already done. Malala, for her part, is still recovering from her head wound but has the support of tens of thousands of somewhat more conservatively dressed Pakistanis who protested in Karachi on Sunday.