Nakuru Governor Kinuthia Mbugua has reshuffled his executive following claims by local leaders of its poor performance.

County Secretary Joseph Motari said three executive committee members were moved to ensure efficiency in service delivery.

Finance Executive Francis Mathea, who was last month indicted by the county assembly, has been moved to the education docket previously held by Catherine Kitetu.

Ann Njenga, the executive in charge of public service management, has taken over as finance executive in acting capacity.

Mr Mbugua has also appointed Ms Njenga the substantive minister for trade, industrialisation and tourism following the removal of Sam Gitau over allegation of using forged academic qualifications to gain employment made sometimes in 2014.

Acting capacity

Although Njenga is holding the finance docket in acting capacity, sources at the county headquarters told The Standard that Chief of Staff Raymond Komen is being prepared to take over the docket.

“The governor is looking for Mr Komen’s replacement before appointing him to head the finance docket,” said an impeccable source that did not want to be named because he is not authorised to speak on behalf of the governor.

Mr Motari said the governor has moved Prof Kitetu to the department of public service management.

The reshuffle was necessitated by the recent verdict of the MCAs who passed a vote of no confidence against Mr Mathea as the finance executive.

Mathea was implicated in gross inefficiency which led to the county losing millions of shillings in revenue collection.

He has since moved to court to challenge the report by the sectoral committee on finance.