Kenyans are watching and so far, every step IEBC makes, it leaves more questions than answers and instead of answering our questions, the commission tends to play deaf. It is slowly trying to drag the country into past mistakes and that would be regrettable. Erics Makau

IEBC has also played a bad game. The commission should try to distance itself from the ruling Jubilee as much as possible. The commission is not as independent as we thought it would be if the auditing is not seen as transparent. Mark Wanyama

The Opposition leader wants IEBC to publish the list of dead voters. IEBC, please let NASA pay for the publication. Don't deny them on this one because I am sure there are more walking dead in their perceived strongholds. Noor Ahmed

Does NASA really want elections to be held this year? It seems the Opposition does not want the election to be held... sensing defeat if you ask me. Gabriel Lang'at

It's not about an event that we demand, it's the will of the people as reflected in the Constitution, free, fair, and credible elections. Eric Mac

Dead Kikuyus still in the register? Our mortality rate is low compared to other regions, so by cleaning the register, it's a plus for us. Henry Ng'ang'a

And after the mischief by Alghurai firm to publish more ballot papers, as was the case with the Chickengate scandal, they will collapse the IEBC system on voting day so that the excess boxes find their way in through the manual backup system. Daniel Ojaji

This is hypocrisy of the highest order. If KPMG did a shoddy job, why do you believe its report on the 2.9 dead voters? Again, it's not the work of the audit firm to expunge any name in the register; it can only recommend that it be done. Ndung'u Waigatho