Parents and guardians are often advised to put a lot of thoughts and deliberation when choosing a school for their children as education background has been found to have a major impact on a child's life long after they have left the learning institution.

Here in Kenya, recent years have seen an increase in the number of middle-class parents enrolling their children in international schools often viewed by many as too expensive. These parents are ready to give their all to have their children in these schools. International schools had in the past been left for the whites, Indians, other nationalities working as expatriates in the country and a few rich Kenyan families.

The trend is changing as International schools have been found to be better than the national schools because of the aspect of an early exposure to new cultures. Most international schools adhere to an international curriculum. This curriculum often incorporates an appreciation for other world cultures into the learning process. Many international schools use a curriculum that is used and accepted around the world.

International schools have been found to teach students an appreciation for world culture, as the students are able to experience a variety of cultures and people. A student is able to benefit from these cultural experiences and learn how to work with people from diverse backgrounds at an early stage in life.

Having fellow students and teachers from diverse background offers a student, a chance to learn and experience different cultures firsthand. The student is able to discover the similarities and differences in other cultures compared to his or her culture that keeps him ahead of others in national schools.

Secondly, teachers’ strikes in national schools have pushed parents to enroll their children in international schools. Teachers in international schools rarely strike, hence students are able to complete their syllabus on time.

Thirdly, international schools are believed to put an emphasis on extracurricular activities like sports and music in their curriculum. Quite a number of International schools have partnered with various organization’s to sharpen the talents of their students at an early age. Today’s parents have begun appreciating careers like football, music, swimming just as they appreciate medicine and engineering.

International schools are also believed to celebrate a growth in personality. Most international schools celebrate differences in culture and personality. Often, this appreciation for difference fosters an emotional maturity in children. A child is likely to gain lifelong friendships with other children from countries around the world.

A child is able to learn to live on their own, which often fosters a sense of independence. Children who learn to overcome the challenges presented in international schools like language barrier usually gain confidence and maturity in the process.

Last but not the least, the world has become a global village. Many businesses today operate on a global scale. Employers are looking for individuals who have experience working with other cultures and at least know another international language rather than their mother tongue. A student from an international school stands this chance better.