CORD leader Raila Odinga(L) and his Co-principal Kalonzo Musyoka(R) chat during CORD rally in Machakos Kenyatta Stadium on Sunday 06/07/14..PHOTO.BONIFACE OKENDO

Bungoma, Kenya: Coalition for Reforms and Democracy (CORD) bigwigs have said that when the right time comes, they will disclose to Kenyans who will be the coalition presidential candidate in the 2017 General Election.

But at the moment they are busy performing their roles as the opposition to ensure the President and his deputy deliver to Kenyans what they pledged during their campaigns.

Former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka said it is their democratic right to lobby Kenyans to participate in steering the country towards a better future.

Kalonzo clarified that the opposition was not fighting the Government, but only performing its oversight role to have problems facing Kenyans addressed and added that they will move around the country to collect a million signatures for a referendum so that the Jubilee government can address issues bedevilling Kenyans.

Addressing mourners over the weekend during the burial of Mzee Isaiah Ludeki, the father to the former PS in the office of the Vice President Ludeki Chweya in Naitiri, Bungoma County, Kalonzo insisted the opposition was fighting for the interest of mwananchi, who has been overburdened by life.


“I and the former PM Raila Odinga cannot harm this country, but fighting for what is right for Kenyans. We are fighting vices like nepotism, corruption and inequitable distribution of resources,” said Kalonzo.

Bungoma Senator Moses Wetang’ula said CORD will not relent in its push to have Kenyans lead a comfortable life. He reminded Jubilee that the Constitution empowers Kenyans to decide on critical issues affecting them.

Wetang’ula asked Kenyans to volunteer by signing the petition to help push the Government to agree in changing its leadership style.

 “The counties have been allocated a paltry 40 per cent of the total Sh1.8 trillion meant for development. You and I know how insufficient this amount is, so the Government must be pushed so that counties implement their development pledges,” said the senator.

He clarified that they are only interested in making the lives of Kenyans better, and not staging a coup to remove the sitting President, as is alleged in some quarters.


Wetang’ula also urged the Roads and Public Works CS Eng Michael Kamau to provide funds for tarmacking the Sikhendu-Naitiri-Turbo road, as well as the Misikhu-Tongaren-Matunda, which are in deplorable state.