Kenyans grappling to afford food amidst the hard economic times brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic have no one to shield them from questionable face mask prices.

Government spokesman Cyrus Oguna on Wednesday confirmed that the State will not control the price of the products labelled by the Wold Health Organisation as essential in containing the spread of coronavirus.

Oguna spoke in Siaya during a tour to assess the county’s preparedness to contain spread of the virus that has already claimed 11 lives in the country.

The spokesman, however, noted that the government had begun producing masks en-mass that will be distributed to vulnerable Kenyans through grassroots county authorities.

His comments came amidst overwhelming concerns by Kenyans on the quality and prices of masks in the markets.

“If you look at the principle of supply verses demand, that in itself will bring the cost of the masks down. We have mapped out the vulnerable members of the community who will soon receive free masks,” said Oguna.

Last week, Health CS Mutahi Kagwe approved Kitui County Textile Centre to produce the masks. Eldoret based Rivatex has also begun mass production in the run to tackle the corona pandemic.