NAIROBI, KENYA: The County Assembly of Nairobi is considering reallocation of Sh32 billion budget to increase funding to crucial sectors like water.

In the recently approved budget, the water docket received Sh3 million per ward, compared to an earlier proposal of Sh7 million.

There are 85 wards, meaning the sector got an allocation of approximately Sh255 million, down from proposed Sh595 million.

Budget Vice Chair Patrick Karani said water got limited allocation yet it was crucial for city residents.

The budget committee is now seeking to amend the allocated figure for the sector and others and effect the same through introduction of a supplementary budget.

“The worst affected sector was water, but we are looking to review the allocation and that can only be done by amending the Appropriations Act,” said the Utawala MCA.

Budget chairman Robert Mbatia, however, said the amendment would occur after three months.

This, he said, would enable the committee gauge the commitment of various sectors and determine which need more or less money based on their performance.

In the 2018/2019 budget, transport and infrastructure docket got the lion's share at Sh5.4 billion.

Ward development projects in the 85 wards were allocated Sh1.2 billion while the environment and water department got Sh962 million. Of the latter, Sh679 million will be go to environment management and protection while Sh283 million would be for water resources management.

Health sector received Sh601 million for prevention and promotion healthcare services.