Known for being the second largest continent, and consequently with the second largest population on the entire planet, Africa is as unique as it is mighty and mythic. Africa is a continent that housed the origin of man, so it holds a special place here on Earth in regards to its meaning and involvement in our overall evolutionary process.

A 2016 census revealed that Africa currently holds over 16% of the world’s population. The total count was somewhere around 1.2 billion people. With so many people you can bet there is a lot going on in and for Africa. There is always some news buzzing in the air on this eclectic continent, so we put together some of the most interesting stories going around currently.

A Bit of Culture Clash

One recent and interesting development taking place in Africa was a catholic priest being suspended for rapping to children in church. Father Paul Ogalo said that he frequently raps in church as a way to reach the youth of the area to prevent them from choosing a life of drugs. Father Ogalo also uses rap to help get the youth involved in social justice programs.

While this would be considered harmless by most American churches, this is a big no-no for the churches that operate in the area. In fact many of the churches in Africa have strict and stringent standards that prevent this kind of activity. They have a very specific way in mind that gospel should be preached. As a result, they suspended father Paul, aka “Sweet Paul” for a year to “reconsider his ways.”

Paul Ogalo is one of many preachers who take an unconventional approach to reach youth. Often this is important because it is hard to use the same methodologies to attract new members to the church. We will see what happens when Paul Ogalo begins preaching once again.

Ready for Development

Another interesting trend in Africa right now is their induction into the digital age. Technology has been a bit slow to reach the continent of Africa. While this may have worked against them in the beginning, less developed countries are now experiencing a technological boom as investors and entrepreneurs alike look for new spaces to develop out for burgeoning technology.

Africa is a perfect place for digital development. One of the reasons for this is that Africa has more mobile phone users than the United States and Europe combined. So clearly there is a marketplace for technology there, and mostly it is still left untapped. With some well-placed infrastructure, a savvy entrepreneur could make a big impact.

That Ain’t All

When you are the second biggest continent in the world with over 1.2 billion people, there is always something going on. That is why it is important if you want to stay up-to-date with African news, that you find the right reliable site for that. Not only has Africa birthed man, the continent continues to give us insight into the collective human condition.