Just a few days to the promulgation of the new Constitution, political focus will be on Western Province, where MPs from the region have lined up four major rallies.

Though the rallies are meant to thank the region’s voters for voting ‘Yes’, keen political observers are reading more in the rallies to be staged in Busia, Vihiga, Bungoma and the provincial headquarters, Kakamega.

Some observers feel the rallies are meant to relay ‘warning signals’ to those who think Western is a divided region or a potential hunting ground for votes ahead of the 2012 General Election.

"Luhyas are simply passing the message that they are united and can remain united in protecting their political interests when at stake," says University of Nairobi political scientist Dr Adams Oloo.

The planned rallies were mooted at a private meeting of all MPs from the region in a Nairobi hotel, at the invitation of Deputy Prime Minister Musalia Mudavadi.

strategic position

Those at the meeting included Cabinet ministers Soita Shitanda, Fred Gumo, Wycliffe Oparanya, Paul Otuoma and Moses Wetang’ula. Others were Assistant ministers Bifwoli Wakoli, George Khaniri, Alfred Khangati, Manyala Keya, and Sospeter Ojaamong. Also in attendance were MPs David Were, Eugene Wamalwa, Justus Kizito, Alfred Sambu, Ababu Namwamba, Evans Akula, Alfred Odhiambo, Bonny Khalwale, Fred Kapondi, Yusuf Chanzu, Ben Washiali, Musikari Kombo, Wilber Ottichilo and Eseli Simiyu.

Reports indicate the rallies are set to begin on September 3 and wind up on September 12, with the MPs traversing the entire province to thank members of their community for voting overwhelmingly for the passage of the new Constitution.

With this move the Luhya community is now positioning itself strategically in the new political dispensation.

"Apart from thanking the people, the MPs may have realised the need to unite as emerging political realignment make the Kibaki succession politics highly competitive," reasons Dr Masibo Lumala of Moi University.

region’s spokesperson

Already, the MPs have settled on Mudavadi as the region’s spokesperson and he will also be the region’s team leader during the implementation of the new Constitution.

The MPs who met on Tuesday evening have further mandated Mudavadi to unite all the Luhya leaders.

Those who failed to attend were Chris Okemo (Nambale) and Cyrus Jirongo (Lugari).

Mr Okemo and Mr Jirongo were the only MPs in the region opposed to the new Constitution.

Masibo says there is need for leaders in the region to sustain the unity exhibited during the referendum, arguing "they have already demonstrated they can stand united and be counted".

He says the fact that a number of them have indicated they nurse Presidential ambition should not divide them, but unite them in identifying one of them with the best chance, to be assisted in building alliances with other regions.

Mudavadi, Eugene, Khalwale, Jirongo and Wetang’ula are among those nursing presidential ambitions.