Two Wells Fargo employees vanish with Sh94 million cash. [iStockphoto]

Two Wells Fargo staff are on the run after stealing Sh94 million on Monday morning.

The suspects, identified as Daniel Mungai and Anthony Nduiki, were supposed to deliver the cash to Family Bank, Kenyatta Avenue, on behalf of Quickmart Supermarket.

However, they sneaked out without a police escort and dumped the vehicle, an Isuzu Canter with registration number KBA 517 T, at Dafarm in South C, Langata. The cash was missing from the vehicle.

The incident was reported by George Jaramba, the Investigation Manager at Wells Fargo Nairobi, at 7.09am on Monday.

He said the suspects had collected the money from the Wells Fargo vault as usual, but did not follow the standard procedure of having armed police officers accompany them.

The police officers who were supposed to escort them raised the alarm when they did not see the vehicle.

The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) Langata is handling the case and has launched a manhunt for the suspects.

This is the latest in a series of cash heists involving security company staff in recent years.