The report was conducted in collaboration with the Marketing Society of Kenya.

Majority of Kenyans prefer to spend Sh1000 on food as opposed to other items, a new report has shown.

According to a recent survey on top brands by OnePulse Solution, a research firm with a presence in 200 countries, 66 per cent of Kenyans said they would spend their Sh1,000 on food.

Another even (7) per cent averred they would buy clothes and shoes with the Sh1,000, in a study that sought their opinion on the brands they are buying and what influences their decisions.

The survey, dubbed Battle of the Brands-What’s in your Basket, highlighted Kenyans spending mode on foodstuffs, household, personal care, and baby care items.

Twenty-three (23) per cent of Kenyans said they would save or invest the money, while 19 per cent said they would spend the same amount on toiletries.

No respondent said they would spend the money on entertainment, alcohol, or gambling.

Twelve (12) per cent reported spending the money on personal care products, while ten per cent recorded spending it on data and airtime.

Only eight (8) per cent of Kenyans reported spending the amount on transportation and utilities.

The report involved respondents aged between 18-64, applying varied demographic filters for different consumer categories.

It further shows that 68 per cent of men used the money (Sh1000) as savings, compared to 66 per cent of women.

The survey also indicates that women have high regard for the use of toiletries at 22 per cent as compared to men, who rank at 15 per cent.

Seven per cent of men said they would use the money to buy alcohol.

The survey selected a national audience across all income segments with feedback collected through the OnePulse mobile app, conducted in collaboration with the Marketing Society of Kenya (MSK).