Chaotic scenes were witnessed at Buruburu Girls Secondary School on Sunday evening as anxious parents arrived at the institution to check on their children following a dormitory fire.

The school’s administration had a difficult time calming down the parents who had flocked the institution demanding to see their daughters.

Police were forced to block members of the public from entering the school compound for fear of the security of the students who were inside the school.

“We will not allow more people inside the school including parents,” the school guards were heard telling those who tried to force themselves into the school.

Injured students were rushed to the nearby Metropolitan Hospital as firefighters were called in after one of the school dormitories caught fire at around 5pm o Sunday.

Screaming students were seen escaping through the windows as smoke engulfed the building.

Eyewitness Diana Mwangangi has told The Standard that she rushed to the scene after she heard students screaming for help from the school.

“It is scary, I saw students jumping from as high as the third floor as the smoke billowed from the other side of the building,” she said.

Confirming the incident, Buruburu Sub-County Police Commander Francis Kamau said firefighters were at the scene.

He, however, said they can still not know if some students are trapped in the burning dormitory.

"Officers and firefighters are at the schools, but it is still too early to know what happened or the extent of the damage,” he told The Standard on phone.