A 27-year-old woman has said she fears for her life after she reported her husband for allegedly defiling her five-year-old daughter.

The woman, who lives in West Kwabwai Location in Ndhiwa sub-County, fled her matrimonial home with her three children after her husband's relatives threatened to kill her.

Trouble started when she accused her 29-year-old husband of sexually assaulting their daughter.

When she raised the complaint with her husband and father-in-law, she was ordered to pack her things and leave the house.

She reported the matter at Ndhiwa Police Station and the minor was taken to Ndhiwa Sub-county Hospital where a medical report revealed that she had been defiled.

Her husband was arrested and was arraigned in court on Friday.

Due to the threats on her life, the woman said she is afraid of going back to the home. She has had to seek refuge at a friend’s house in Ndhiwa town.

The woman added that on Friday, her father-in-law told her that they would kill her for implicating his son in the crime.

“After the court proceedings, my husband was remanded but my father-in-law and my husband's step-sister  threatened to kill me in my hideout,” she said.

Yesterday, The Standard met her as she looked for a place to stay with friends at an undisclosed location, or some form of witness protection from the State. 

“My parents died in 2016. I have been staying with a friend since Saturday last week. I was going to go seek solace somewhere, but I am stranded because I have no money,” she said.

“I am appealing to the government to accord me security because my life is danger.”

Ndhiwa Sub-county Assistant Commissioner Joseph Thuita said they were following up on the matter to ensure the woman is protected, and said they would take legal action against anyone who has been threatening her.

“We are making efforts so that the lady can come back to Ndhiwa and record a statement for more information. We will not allow the people who are threatening her to continue doing so,” he said.