Kikuyu MP Kimani Ichungwa

A tweet by Kikuyu MP Kimani Ichungwa detailing woes Central Kenya dairy farmers face has infuriated the Trade and Industrialisation Cabinet Secretary Peter Munya.

Ichungwa had tagged Munya and his devolution counterpart Eugene Wamalwa in the twitter salvo, a move that seemed to anger Munya.

The Trade CS spared no punches, and accused Ichungwa of painting the government in bad light.

In a rather bare knuckle counterattack, Munya twitted back, calling the vocal MP a rent seeker.

“Ichung'wa is a rent seeker. Let him take his rent seeking missions to Kiunjuri. Inspirations from Sugoi will not improve dairy industry,” tweeted Munya.

Ichungwa was reacting to a story carried in one of the dailies. According to the story, farmers in Central Kenya have been pouring out milk due to poor prices and lack of market.

It is not clear why the MP decided to raise the matter with Munya and Devolution Cabinet Secretary Eugene Wamalwa, and not Kiunjuri under whose docket farming falls.

Ichungwa, however, in his response to the rent seeking claim, hit out at Munya for being emotional, adding that contrary to the CS’s assertions, he was a landlord.

He said he was only doing his representation duty by raising issues that affect people, which Cabinet secretaries like Munya had failed to address.

“No Waziri. I am a LANDLORD and a representative of the people. I raise and address issues that are of concern to the people. If you could kindly do what you have been hired to do also and address the issue at hand leaving out your emotions and politicking,” he said.

Senate Majority Leader waded in the matter by asking the CS to substantiate his claims that Ichungwa’s inspiration from Sugoi will not improve dairy industry.

 “Waziri what do you mean by Sugoi? The Deputy President’s home?” posed Murkomen.

The twitter spat has exposed the wide cracks in the ruling party Jubilee with Cabinet secretaries also sucked in the deep political wars.

On Thursday, Gatundu South MP claimed Munya had called him at night to warn him not to set foot in Meru county for reportedly undermining President Uhuru.

“The other day Trade and Industrialisation Cabinet Secretary Peter Munya called me at 11 pm and warned me against setting foot in Meru County, claiming I have insulted the President,” he said

Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru also asked the county commissioner not to allow critics of the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) in the county to abuse those supporting the report.

Kuria has accused Munya, former Kiambu Governor William Kabogo and Waiguru, of trying to use the President to frustrate their competitors.

 He urged the president to be cautious against being used by the said politicians.

 “Because we all love him, I want to urge our president not to allow himself to be used in reviving dead careers of politicians who have become irrelevant in politics,” added Kuria.