The High Court has convicted a 34-year-old man after finding him guilty of raping and murdering his grandmother. 

Wilson Masiko Mungasia killed Selina Ikambi Anasi,79, on February 10, 2011, at their Mituri village home in Kakamega East.

Ikambi, a herbalist, was reported missing on February 9. She lived in the same compound with the accused.

Family members said Masiko could not state where the victim was and did not participate in the search.

Julietta Musee told court he was the last person seen entering Ikambi’s house before she went missing.

The court heard that family members later stumbled on Ikambi's body in a sugarcane plantation. It had been wrapped in a blanket. 

Her killer had stuffed her mouth with pieces of blanket. A used male condom still embedded in her genitals.

Government pathologist Dixon Mchana told court the victim had a deep cut on her forehead.

Dr Mchana concluded the cause of death was head injury. He also said there was evidence of sexual assault.

Justice Ruth Sitati said the prosecution had proved the case of murder against Masiko beyond any reasonable doubt.

Justice Sitati noted Masiko fled after his grandmother's body was recovered, only to re-appear for her burial, five days later.

Alhough the prosecution relied on consequential evidence, since there was no eye-witness, the judge said the evidence was sufficient to place the accused at the centre of the felony.

“The accused is the one who lived with the deceased and when she disappeared, he was seen coming out of her house. When he was asked about her whereabouts, he spoke with a certain degree of certainty, that she had gone to treat some children,” Justice Sitati said in her judgement read by Justice William Musyoka.

She added: “In my view, he had a duty and in his own interest, to explain how she died. Having failed to do so, the only inference this court can make is that he knew she had died.”

“From the analysis, I find that the accused is guilty of murder and convict him accordingly,” the judge said.

Masiko will appear in court on November 6 to give his mitigation before he is sentenced.