Former Kakamega senator Boni Khalwale has lashed out at his successor Cleophas Malala for insulting other Luhya leaders.

According to Dr Khalwale, the senator’s recent remarks likening a truce between Ford-K leader Moses Wetang’ula and Devolution CS Eugene Wamalwa to a gay relationship was unfortunate.

“It was wrong for him (Malala) to hurl such insults at his seniors, the lawmaker must be grateful that I made him what he is today and deceased from the reckless talk,” argued Khalwale.

Speaking in Kakamega town, Dr Khalwale demanded that Malala apologises over the remarks.

He described Malala as a political greenhorn advising the senator to seek the advice of seasoned politicians from Western.

Malala had earlier poured cold water on the truce between Wamalwa and Wetang’ula which termed inconsequential as both comes from the Bukusu sub tribe in Western.

The two politicians resolved to end their political rivalry last month and focus on uniting Western leaders.

Wetang’ula and Wamalwa were brought together by Bukusu elders last Friday at Mabanga Farmers Training College where they agreed to work together.

The two have not been Seeing Eye to eye since a botched attempt by Mr Wamalwa to oust Wetang’ula as Ford-K party boss just before the 2013 general election.

Wamalwa would try his luck in New Ford-K a splinter party founded by former Malava MP Soita Shitanda together with former Kakamega senator Boni Khalwale.

While Wetang’ula opted to work with the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) then, Wamalwa threw his weight behind United Democratic Front (UDF) presidential candidate Musalia Mudavadi with the blessings of New Ford Kenya.

UDF would opt to work with the Jubilee administration in a post-election political agreement that saw Wamalwa handed a cabinet post.

Wetang’ula stuck in the opposition and had to fight a little harder to retain his senate seat during a by-election after his victory had been nullified.

Shinyalu MP Justus Kizito also dismissed the deal reached between Wetang’ula and Wamalwa.

“There is nothing new about that, it will have little or no impact at all to the aspirations of the people of Western.”