A Standard Three pupil who disappeared on Tuesday has been found murdered in Kigumo.

The body of the nine-year-old girl was found on Wednesday afternoon by a search party that had been mobilised by her parents.

The body had multiple knife wounds.

She was a pupil at Thamara Primary School in Kigumo sub-county, and her disappearance had been reported at Muthithi Police Station and the nearby chief's office.

Peter Kamuiru Gitau, a resident of Thamara village, said the search team braved heavy rains and found the body in a thicket at Kirima-ini.

Girls in danger

“Sex pests should be brought to book as our girls are in danger,” said Mr Gitau.

The body was taken to Murang’a county hospital mortuary by the police.

Kigumo OCPD Ibrahim Mchumwa said the police were were pursuing crucial leads.

“We appeal to the public to volunteer information that could lead to the arrest of the culprits,” said the OCPD.

Last month, a nursery pupil was defiled and found strangled at Ichichi village in Kangema.