IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati

President Uhuru Kenyatta Monday afternoon met the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) Chairman Wafula Chebukati at Harambee House in Nairobi.

The president’s meeting with Chebukati comes a few days to the October 26 fresh presidential election.

The agenda of the meeting was not made public but Chebukati had earlier expressed the need for meeting President Uhuru Kenya and Opposition leader Raila Odinga over issues surrounding the October 26 election.

Initially, Jubilee party secretary general Raphael Tuju had said there was no need for the president to meet IEBC chairman, insisting that the electoral body should just proceed with preparations for the fresh polls; that Jubilee no issues to raise with the electoral agency.

Last week, the NASA team led by Raila Odinga and Musalia Mudavadi met IEBC chairman at the Anniversary Towers offices but Raila said he had not met as a presidential candidate.

IEBC was thrown into a tailspin after the resignation of Commissioner Roselyn Akombe Wednesday last week, saying the commission was not in shape to give Kenya a credible election.

She also cited threats on her life.

President Uhuru meets Chebukati amidst swirling rumours of the IEBC boss’s resignation triggered by his statement last week that he could not guarantee and free, fair and credible election.

He blamed his predicament on hostility from fellow commissioners whom he said routinely vote against his initiatives and failure by Uhuru and Raila Odinga to dialogue with the commission.

Initially Deputy William Ruto met IEBC but stopped.

Speculation is rife that President Uhuru may have met Chebukati to forestall the rumoured resignation.