Everyone loves a good kiss. Here are some of the most interesting facts about kissing that will intrigue you and even excite you.

1. When you kiss someone your heart beats faster and more oxygen reaches your brain.

2. Two thirds of people tilt their heads to the right when kissing.

3. According to William Cane, an author for ‘The Art of Kissing’, 53 per cent of women prefer kissing men without beard.

4. One kiss requires 146 muscles to coordinate which includes 112 postural muscles and 34 fascial muscles.

5. The first kiss on screen occured more that a centuary ago.

6. The longest kiss ever recorded by the guinness book of records took 58 hours 35 minutes and 58 seconds.

7. An average person will spend 20,160 minutes of his or her life kissing which is equal to two weeks.

8. Kissing is good for the teeth as it helps prevent tooth decay.

9. Most people tend to remember their first kiss compared to the first time they had sex.

10. Kissing releases endorphins also known as ‘happy hormones’ that help you reduce stress and make you feel secure.