Marakwet, Kenya: An Administration police officer attached to Chesoi post in Marakwet East Sub County was found murdered and his dismembered body found dumped in three pit latrines at Kapkesum village in Keiyo North Sub County.

The body had been badly dismembered with eyes being pierced and stashed in polythene papers and gunny bags and dumped in different pit latrines within the village to conceal evidence.

The bizarre incident shocked the area residents as they combed pit latrines one after another in search missing parts with police in the area linking the murder to crime of passion or a deal gone sour.

According to Elizabeth Kimutai, a local resident who first discovered the incident in her pit latrine, she was shocked to find polythene bags inside latrine.

"It was around 10 am when I went to pour some ashes into the latrine but I found two yellow polythene bags inside the pit," said the villager.

But when she tried to remove the polythene bags with the help of other villagers, they found a chopped human hand and clothing stashed inside the bags.

"We alerted the local chief who in turn informed police officers and a search to find the rest of the body parts was mounted," said Ms Kimutai.

The other body parts were discovered in two separate pit latrines in the vicinity with the killers dismembering all the body parts.

"This is indeed one of the most scaring incident and murder most foul because we have never witnessed something of this kind," noted Boniface Korat another villager.

Local security officers in the area lead by area sub county assistant commissioner John Chirchir said nobody has been arrested in connection to the killing and they have launched investigations into the incident.

"We are exploring two possibilities into what may have led the killers to murder and dismember the police officer. It might be a love triangle or deal gone sour with his associates," said the assistant county commissioner.

Mr Chirchir said the killers would be soon arrested and called on members of the public to volunteer any information that might lead to the arrest of the killers.

The body is lying at Iten county referral hospital mortuary.