By Standard Reporter

Kenya: The Commission of Higher Education had by December 2012 accredited Presbyterian University of East Africa (PUEA) to offer only five degree programmes and one Masters programme.

However, the university has been teaching unaccredited courses including Masters of Education and hotel and tourism. It is also offering a degree in communication, another degree in counselling and sociology.

Contacted, vice-chancellor Prof Paul Mungai Mbugua did not respond on why the university was offering unaccredited courses despite having been taken to court by Mr Stephen Ochieng, who runs Kisii-based St Stephen’s Institute of Business Studies, for duping him into getting a partnership knowing very well that it had not been cleared by CHE.

The university had already received fees from over 180 students for the course, earning it over Sh1.2 million in school fees.

According to CHE, the only programmes the university should offer include Bachelor of Theology, Business Administration, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Bachelor of Education (Arts and Science). CHE had also cleared the university to offer Masters of Business Administration from mid 2010.

PUEA has campuses in Kikuyu (main) and Nairobi (Biashara plaza) and teaching centres at St Andrews Church, Githunguri (Ayub Kinyua Memorial Church) and Kisii town. The legal council was also recently forced to shut down the university’s law school after it failed to meet the requirements, despite having enrolled over 100 students for the programme.

Some of the students are still fighting to get their refunds and the university did not make any arrangements to transfer them into another law school.

Vibrant learning

It was also forced to stop a Bachelor of Business Information technology (BBIT) under similar circumstances.  According to PUEA, the vice-chancellor Mbugua is a founder member. He joined the university in 2009. 

On its website, PUEA describes itself as “a private university founded by Presbyterian Church of East Africa. The university has developed innovative and practical academic programmes across a wide range of disciplines, established a vibrant learning culture, and attracted a large number of students at both undergraduate and graduate levels.”

“PUEA maintains an ecumenical Christian aura where the application of knowledge and skills is guided by Christian values and principles.”