Fashion inspired by nature

Nubian-print collection. [Courtesy, Jeffrey Omondi]

A new generation of designers is making waves with their innovative designs and fresh perspectives. One such talent is Jeffrey Omondi, the visionary force behind the brands House of Jeffriesse and Jeffriesse Institute.

In this interview, Jeffrey offers a rare glimpse into his creative process, inspirations, and the driving force behind his sustainable and ethical approach to fashion. Jeffrey's s journey into the world of fashion design was an unconventional one.

After facing professional setbacks in 2021, including closing his business and losing two jobs, he seized the opportunity to pursue a certificate course through a scholarship programme offered by KCB 2Jiajiri. This pivotal moment set him on a path that would ultimately shape his future.

Describing his typical design process, Jeffrey reveals a collaborative and research-driven approach. 

"My design process begins with product development, where, together with my team, we meet to discuss market opportunities and trends," he says. 

Market research plays a crucial role, with Jeffrey partnering with Strathmore University's Small Business Development Centres to conduct comprehensive market analysis. Inspiration is the lifeblood of any designer, and Jeffrey's draws from a diverse array of sources. 

Orange plus Nubian print collection. [Courtesy]

"My inspiration comes from my daily life, the people I meet, the stuff I read, films, books – mostly Afrocentric or Pan-African," he says. To fuel his creativity, Jeffrey embraces a practice of seclusion, seeking solitude in natural settings like riverbanks, islands, or hills, where he can tap into his authentic voice.

Staying ahead of the curve is essential in the fast-paced fashion industry, and Jeffrey employs various strategies to remain up-to-date with current trends. 

"My favourite go-to strategy is hanging out with industry professionals and Gen Zs through events," he says.

Additionally, he subscribes to informative newsletters, attends courses, and immerses himself in industry literature. Sustainability and ethical practices are at the core of Jeffrey's design philosophy.

The orange collection from Jeffrey Omondi. [Courtesy, Jeffrey Omondi]

House of Jeffriesse has established Key Performance Indicators that mandate the incorporation of at least 20 per cent recycled or upcycled materials and ensure that 70 per cent of the materials used are biodegradable.

His commitment to sustainability extends beyond his brand, as he serves as the President of the Kenya Small Scale Leather Players and the Secretary General of the Kisumu Sustainable Fashion Group. Designing for diverse body types and sizes is another priority for him.

"Muses, the designs must be inspired by real-life characters," he says.  His team is currently working on developing a size chart tailored specifically for the Kenyan market, recognizing the varying body sizes across countries and even tribes.

When facing challenges, such as production limitations or convincing potential collaborators of his brand's value, Jeffrey emphasises the importance of perseverance and continuous self-improvement. 

"Staying in the business longer helped me to articulate my value proposition clearly and convincingly," he says. As he looks towards the future, he is excited to launch a shoes and leather goods product line later this year, further expanding his brand's offerings.

With a deep commitment to sustainability, ethical practices, and a passion for design, Jeffrey is poised to make a lasting impact on the fashion industry, one innovative and thoughtful creation at a time.


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