Recently, I got a friend request from unexpected quarters - my househelp Mwende. And did I accept it? Of course not.
Allow me to digress a bit. My Mwende has all the admirable qualities of a domestic manager - she is hard working, good-natured, welcoming, super awesome with the children and excellent with her house work. Her down side, (according to me and my chama mates) is that she is exceedingly pretty and so she attracts attention from every Tom, Dick and Harry.
From the 'fundi wa viatu' to the watchman, to the school driver, to the kiosk man, every man wants a piece of my 'Macha' beauty. And I must confess even my hubby's naughty friends throw a few glances at her whenever they visit. Did I hear you ask what about dear hubby? That's a no-go zone for him. I have already warned him that if he tries it, I will 'Nyerify' him.
Now another downside my house help exhibits (according to me) which is related to today's subject matter, is the fact that she is tech savvy. From Facebook, to Twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp, you cannot miss her pretty face from any of these online forums. So whenever she has a little free time, like all young Kenyans on the go, she gets online. She can even sleep way past midnight because she is chatting with some guy on WhatsApp.
"Mwende kwani hujalala," I always ask when I wake up at an ungodly hour to visit the wash-room and notice the light from under her bedroom door.
"Bado! Nasoma Bible madhe," she always gives that cheap line thinking I have no clue what shenanigans she is up to.
Now this online mission of hers is increasingly starting to get on my nerves because it is proving too costly. The other Saturday, she almost burned down the house because she got online and forgot all about the meat that was cooking on the gas.
Thank goodness I noticed it on time before the whole house caught fire. I gave her a thorough dress down and warned her that I will not hesitate to fire her if she made such a disastrous mess again. Poor girl, she was so apologetic; she vowed she would not get online during working hours again.
Now with this recent Facebook friend request, it looks like she's still active online. That evening when she sent me the message, I was at work. As I looked at the innocent request, so many questions flooded my mind. Why would she send me a request? Does she know the implications? Is she still spending time online? I did not accept nor reject the request. I just ignored it.
But when I went home, in the evening, after greeting me, the first thing she told me cooled my fears. "Mama Tasha, ignore hiyo friend request. Ni Tasha alituma by mistake."
Yes at least she was smart enough to know that you do not send your employer a Facebook request.