Oily skin can be as a result of genetics, change in hormones and humid environments. This causes over production of sebum which is the natural oil that’s found on the skin.
Having greasy skin is not fun at all. You can literally wash your face and within a few minutes, notice the oiliness starting to peek through. When that happens, your chances of developing pimples and acne are high.
Although causes like genetics cannot be erased, you can manage it through various lifestyle habits.
1. Cleanse regularly

Clogged pores aggravate breakouts quickly. Your skin is already highly sensitive so when you add external factors to mix like not washing off the sweat or makeup at the end of the day, things get worse. You should cleanse twice a day with a gentle cleaner as a way of managing the oiliness.
2. Exfoliate
Apart from cleansing your skin, you should exfoliate too. Dead skin cells are known to clog as well which requires a deeper treatment to clear. You have to be careful and only use exfoliators that are suitable for acne prone skin or those that are gentle on the skin if you don’t have acne prone skin but you’re dealing with excess oil.
3. Check for the right ingredients
You should know the types of ingredients that you need to avoid and those that you should embrace. This will also help you in the long run when you’re trying out new products and you’re not sure whether you should buy them or not. Some of the ones you need to run away from are alcohol-based products and mineral oils, just to name a few. Those deeply clog your pores and destroy all your progress. Instead, look for water-based products and those that contain acids like glycolic acid which are suitable for oily skin.
4. Incorporate a healthy diet

You should also work on creating a healthy balance when it comes to what you eat. Greasy, sugary foods aren’t good for your health and your skin. They trigger the breakouts and that can make it seem like you’re not cleaning your face enough or using the right products. Sacrifice those unhealthy meals and snacks for healthier options.
5. Practice good makeup hygiene
You should never use dirty brushes and sponges or expired makeup. These are recipes for disaster because your pores will now be clogged with dirt, bacteria and possibly fungi. Always make sure that you’re using a clean applicator each time and throw out those products that have expired to avoid disrupting the healthy balance on your skin.
6. Moisturize your skin

Oil and moisture are two separate things. You still need to moisturize your skin even when you have this type of sensitivity. If you attempt to reduce the oil by drying out your skin, your glands will end up producing more oil in order to compensate. Always moisturize but use water-based products.
7. Be gentle
When it comes to the breakouts that happen occasionally, all popping, scratching or picking should be avoided. You should also switch to liquid exfoliators because scrubbing can also irritate the skin. Anytime you’re handling your skin, you should do so gently even when wiping.
8. Consult your dermatologist
You have to always work with a good dermatologist who will guide you on what to do. You should talk to them whenever you’re considering some home remedies or when you’re adding new products to your skin care routine. Remember that there are so many dermatologists out there, but very few are skilled. So research properly and get recommendations from someone you know to make things easier.
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