What is the message you are sending through this book?
Each and every one of us has a story called ‘Once upon a time’, whether you believed once upon a time that you could conquer the world or that if you ran so fast you could fly, we all have our dreams. I ask the question, would the child you once were be proud of the adult you are today?
I feel that lot of people are living compromised lives. Many have dreamt to be something someday but maybe because that has never happened, they compromised their potential. It is a reflective book. I write about five things that keep us from reaching and going beyond our purpose, then how to overcome them.
The core message to inspire people to believe in themselves, go beyond their self-imposed limitations and self-inflicted misery and to believe in the transformation of possibilities and opportunities. Then they can dare to dream bigger and live more fulfilling lives.
Where do you find inspiration, and what inspired your latest book?
My inspiration comes from a deep sense of optimism within me. I also get inspired from reading. Books ignite our imagination. They say, a man who doesn’t read lives only one life but he who reads lives a thousand. A single book changed my life and inspired my work. Someone handed me a book called Success is Never Ending, Failure is Never Final by Dr Robert Schuller. Reading that book gave a complete paradigm shift. Some people look at things and ask ‘why?’ others look and ask ‘why not?’ I believe I became the kind of person who says ‘why not?’
I started writing just six years ago. It came a time in my career as a motivational speaker that after my events, people were asking where they could buy my books! A friend and author then motivated and taught me about writing and within ten months we had sold over ten thousand copies of my first book.
How long did it take you to write Beyond Limits?
Beyond Limits took me two weeks to write, but I spent a whole year collecting research for the book. I have volumes of research from everyday experiences which I used to build my manuscript.
Of the 10 books you have written, which ones do you consider your top three?
PM: Out of all my books, I would pick Inspire Before you Expire as my alpha-book. Second, Game Changer and third my latest title, Beyond Limits.
Many writers become victim to writer’s block. How does it affect you and what methods do you use to overcome the condition?
I haven’t had too much trouble with writers’ block in the past, but with Beyond Limits I had a major block. At that moment I felt over-inspired, there was too much content and I did not write for some time. Overcoming the block is unpredictable, it comes and goes.
How have you evolved as a speaker and writer?
I am a different person today than I was 12 years ago. Over time, I have learnt what and how to say and write in a brief way. The challenge in my line of work is remaining relevant; to do this one has to keep evolving. A 50-year old man who looks at life the same way he saw it at 30 has lost 20 years of his life.
Who is your favourite author?
I am inspired by the works of the late Dr Robert Schuller, known as the father of possibility thinking. I also like John Maxwell who wrote 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership.
Are working on any projects at the moment?
Yes, right now I’m writing the Tuskys’ Supermarket 25 year journey, a success story. I am also working as a publishing consultant, helping people actualise their books.
Do you have any inspirational words for our readers and budding authors?
To go beyond limits, you need people. A single conversation with the right person can be more powerful than that diploma or that MBA. The second thing about people is – what do you do for people? – If you want to be successful for a year, plant maize. If you want to be successful for 10 years, plant trees but if you want to be successful for a lifetime, invest in people.
There are two things that will change your life, the people you meet and the books you read. Books have the power to transform. Not reading books is just as good as burning them.