A few months ago, I walked into a printing shop for services and I was served by a young beautiful lady. I immediately told her how beautiful she was and how her big eyes are a turn-on to me.
As she laughed I explained to her how we used to call girls like her in “spleng” in high school. I also let her know about Okatch Biggy. The man who influenced me to develop a fetish for big eyes. She laughed, despite being Luo and a junior millennial and more of an old Gen-Z, she had never heard of Okatch Biggy.
As she served me, I remember telling her that I know her tribulations. With such beauty, I know there are many men after her but none is asking her for her hand in marriage. She laughed and confirmed my take on her love life. We got talking about life, business and love. In the end, I told her the common adage, he must attach brains to her beauty. Or else her private parts will suffer.
There is a meme going round asking what the problem could be with men who are handsome, with good jobs, a car and a house while still single. The responses from men are always on the funny side like Russia-Ukraine war, lack of infrastructure, Raila’s AUC campaigns and competition from older men.
A prominent member of the judiciary bench who recently died single in his early fifties did not even leave behind a child. I know there are reasons for high potential bachelors remaining single but let us discuss ladies today.
Meanwhile, has anyone ever asked why some beautiful ladies are single? Ladies who are not just beautiful but can be described as morphologically endowed? The type my cousin says God blessed their coming in and going out. Such ladies still court attention from men even when they are in their postwall era.
Postwall is a phrase that is used to describe women who are past their fertility era and are un-attractive to men. However, such ladies despite hitting what could be the end of attracting men, are still found worthy of more than just a coffee date. Yet, they have been single all their life. What could be the problem?
We can divide them into two, those who took advantage of their beauty and revolving door into it and those who remained calm and reserved despite the attention. The former can be blamed for their predicament. Their diva attitudes attracted only men interested in the sack and nothing permanent.
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This type most often ignored their age mates or men in their generation because there were men always ready to spend on them. Their eyes tend to open when they are a few yards from the wall and winds are pushing them over it. By this time, it is already late, the men she deems her class are taken and settled. Men have said many times that a zebra is beautiful but a donkey was taken home.
I will dwell on the laid-back beauty was just going about her life in moderation like most ladies. She had higher chances of and even attracted men who showed interest but still remained single.
This is a lady with looks, shape and a good job. She has no idea how many necks were dislocated behind her because men hit pillars when they turned to get a view of the rear stocks. She is not the type who will send away a man because of unrealistic demands despite her.
I would understand if a lady never gets attention. The attention was from an array of men from the young, flashy but broke, to middle-aged and suave to old and moneyed. All these and a lady still walks into the sunset lonely but according to her, she is single and satisfied. Is it the indecision that comes with being spoilt for choice?
No man comes as a package, God was very fair. If he is good in bed, he is most likely broke. If he has the money, more often than not he is on the average side of physical endowment. Maybe even a face only a mother can love. If he has the looks, he is so poor in emotional connection beyond the first date.
When a beautiful lady is bombarded with such men every other day, they can leave her more confused. So these ladies lacked the cost-benefit analysis tools because at no time in their prime were they ever single-single.
Because there was always a man either chasing her, friendzoned or mesmerized beyond help, she never played her cards to nail one of them. To some, this indecision is down to a lack of courage. Courage is the virtue without which you cannot exercise all the others.
When the men come, they first ask themselves how comes no other man saw such exquisite beauty. This makes the men have second thoughts that there must be something fundamentally wrong with the lady. Because I know a few of such ladies, I advised the young lady to pick a good man when the sun is still shining on her if she intends to settle down.