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10 Ways you can use toothpaste to achieve a perfect skin


Toothpaste is a daily essential for almost every single person on this planet. It whitens, brightens, cleans your teeth and tongue but did you know it has many other uses?

From household cleaning to beauty uses, toothpaste is often cited as a homemade treatment for your skin that can help counter acne.

So, how can you use toothpaste to achieve the best skin?

1. Toothpaste to clear dark spots

Mix one tablespoon of toothpaste and 2 drops of lemon juice until smooth. Apply to face for about 2 weeks and wait for results.

2. Toothpaste for skin whitening

To lighten your skin without spending so much. Just take a small amount of toothpaste and mix it with some tomato juice, then apply to your face to brighten your face.

3. Stop bug bites from itching

Put toothpaste on your bug bite to keep it from itching. Dab a dime-sized amount onto your bug bite. This method also helps to cool down burns on your skin.

4. Clean smells from hands

The ingredients in toothpaste that deodorize your mouth will work on your hands as well. If you’ve gotten into something stinky, wash your hands with toothpaste, and they’ll smell great.

5. Helps in acne Treatment

Just squeeze some toothpaste into a bowl and using a cotton bud just dab a little of the toothpaste on your acne spots. Wash after 30 minutes.

6. Toothpaste for Wrinkles

Wrinkles can be lightened with the help of toothpaste too. All you need to do is apply a little toothpaste on the area and leave in overnight. Rinse the next day.

7. Toothpaste for Dark Lines

With the help of toothpaste for skin care, getting rid of those nasty dark or black lines is made simple. All you need to do is make a mixture of paste and water and apply it to the lines.

8. Toothpaste for pink lips

Squeeze some toothpaste on your brush and add some honey to it. Use it to brush your lips for about 5 minutes.

9. Toothpaste for Facial Hair

To remove facial hair, use a combination of toothpaste, lemon and salt or sugar. This mixture is massaged on your skin in an upward manner to remove the facial hair.

10. Toothpaste for Oily Skin

Oily skin can be treated with the help of toothpaste. Make a solution of paste, water and salt. Rinse your face each morning to solve this skin problem.

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