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Teeth whitener? 7 out-of-the-box coconut uses


Coconut oil has just recently gained popularity as a miracle elixir with hundreds of beauty uses. But did you know that the coconut plant itself has a myriad of benefits when added to your beauty routine? The coconut is immensely hydrating, with fatty acids that are extremely moisturizing for your hair and skin. Here are a few ways to maximize the benefits of using coconut.

1) Create a gentle homemade liquid facial wash. Your three simple ingredients are a tablespoon of honey, half a cup of coconut milk or coconut water for those with extremely oily skin, and a teaspoon of castile soap. If you use coconut milk as your base, it works well as a cleanser due to the extra fat present.

2) Use coconut pulp for a gentle exfoliating scrub. If yours is a household where you grate the coconut from scratch to make milk, this is a cheap and readily available exfoliant. Use the leftover pulp, refrigerated in small portions. Take one portion at a time and mix with honey or aloe vera then apply it on your face in circular motions. If you do not have homemade pulp, you can soak desiccated coconut in liquid instead. Use once or twice a week to revive tired skin.

3) Use coconut oil for oil cleansing Oil cleansing is a powerful purifying beauty ritual. Coconut oil when left on the face for several minutes has a strong drawing action to pull out makeup residue, impurities and even excess sebum that forms whiteheads and blackheads. Apply the oil, then wipe it off using cotton wool or a microfiber towel. Follow with your toner, or if removing makeup, follow with an extra facial wash. Use daily for best results.

4) Use coconut oil as a teeth whitener Daily oil pulling is proven to remove plaque and to aid in resolving tooth discoloration. Swish a tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth for up to 20 minutes. Spit it out into the toilet and proceed to brush your teeth. Over time you will see brighter, whiter teeth.

5) Use coconut milk in your bath to battle insomnia Coconut milk makes for a soothing bath soak, especially when paired with lavender essential oil. The milk helps moisturize your skin, while soaking away your cares. Some claim that it aids in relaxing your muscles, but whether this is due to the milk or simply the act of bathing, it is worth a try the next time you are doing some pampering. A cool treat to make are coconut oil bath bombs. Mix bicarbonate of soda, citric acid, Epsom salts (magnesium sulphate powder from the chemist) and coconut oil. Add your lavender or your favorite essential oil for fragrance. You can even decorate it with some pot pourri.

6) Use coconut milk to treat sunburn and prevent premature aging The canned variety is good for this. Aim for the thick coconut milk or coconut cream. After a day in the sun, apply liberally to your face, neck, décolletage and shoulders if they were exposed. If your skin is peeling, add some aloe vera gel or juice. Let sit for 15 minutes or so, then rinse with tepid water.

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