A new study has found that if you do not have sex, your cookie jar may get vaginal atrophy, a condition that is characterized by itching and burning down there.
Vaginal atrophy is a common but treatable condition that causes the vaginal wall to thin.
The condition can affect women of any age but it is more common for women who are undergoing menopause. Women undergoing menopause are at a higher risk of contracting the disease because when you get into menopause, your body produces less estrogen than normal, and this has an effect on how the vaginal wall behaves.
Vaginal atrophy can also occur in women who have been treated for cancer, especially in those who have had hormone treatment for breast cancer, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Common symptoms include discharge, burning, itching, difficulty peeing and pain during sex.
According to the research, regular orgasms from your partner or a bit of self-love can actually ward off vaginal atrophy. When you have sex, there is an increase in blood flow to your cookie jar, which means an increase in oxygen supply, hence it is less likely to become inflamed, thin or dry.
According to Louise Mazanti, a London-based sex therapist, if cells are not getting enough oxygen, they cannot eliminate waste from the tissue, which can cause inflammation that leads to problems such as vaginal atrophy. A buildup of toxins can also stop vital nutrients from getting to the cells, which can leave the tissue slightly weaker and thinner.
Mazanti also said losing the ability to have sex is not just a physical problem, it can have some serious side effects on a person’s mental health.
She added: “When your ability to have sex and your desire to have sex decreases, it is a massive change in identity.”
“You start to question ‘who am I now if I am not the sexual woman I used to be?’”
“It can cause depression and an identity crisis and deep consideration of an existential nature. “She says.
Well now you know! Have regular sex if you want to keep yourself and your vagina healthy!
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