Philandering husbands are the most devious and malicious creatures to ever walk this earth.
You see, no level-headed woman relishes the thought of playing second fiddle to another woman’s man.
The crafty scumbag feeds you a load of cock and bull about his situation then makes some vague promises of being with you ‘when the time is right’ but in the end, delivers nothing but sex.
Best believe he will tell you anything and everything under the sun just to get into your laced panties. He will lie through his deodorised teeth and tell you what you want to hear to keep you interested.
If you find yourself head over heels in love with a married man and you have deluded yourself into thinking that it might lead to something, well think again.
You already know he is a lying jerk because he is lying to his wife, so do you really believe you are above his lies?
The following are a few timeless lines that a married man will use to string you along.
1. I am not happy in my marriage
It always starts with the classic tale of the marriage gone bad.
He will come to you with a sob story detailing his marital woes and you fall for it hook, line and sinker. If he tells you he is unhappy in his marriage, he is being economical with the truth.
Men who are actually unhappy leave. Chances are he is just bored and looking for a quick cheap thrill. A quick scan through his social media will reveal pictures of him and his wife embracing and grinning from ear to ear on their last family vacation.
The crux of the matter is, many cheating men still love their wives and are usually eager to get home after they are through getting what they want from you.
2. I will leave her in (insert time frame).
Granted, the process of divorce will be a long painful ordeal for everyone involved.
But will the sting be any less in December than January? Whether it is a few months or a few years from now, it is going to suck big time and he knows it.
Men use this line as a last resort to buy more time with you after you threaten to walk away.
Believe me, when that time elapses he will have another excuse handy. “This is the month her mom died; I couldn’t possibly leave her now!”
3.We are coexisting under the same roof for the kids
This one is a sure winner. Who wouldn’t empathise with a loving father who is willing to put up with his cold, surly witch of a wife for the sake of his kids? Do not be deceived.
He is just pulling a fast one on you. If not, why is he always so keen on getting home at the usual time every day?
Why do your calls go answered if not dropped when he is at the house? A married man will always pull the kids card to justify why he is still with his ‘unbearable’ wife.
The men who actually leave their wives rarely put the kids into account. They know they will still be seeing them and will still be a part of their lives so it is no big deal. If he was really the epitome of the perfect father, he would be at home trying to make things right with their mother, not in a cheap motel room trying to get it on with you.
4.I am not having sex with her
The most treacherous of them all! It often comes in the form of “we don’t even sleep in the same bed” or “we sleep in different rooms”.
No matter how much he tries to downplay his sexual relationship with the wife to you, just know they are still getting it on. Hard!
At the end of the day, he goes home to his wife, makes love to her and plays husband to her, not you.