ACK bishop hits out at politicians over Finance Bill, party politics

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At a time when the ruling UDA party has been experiencing infighting with Gachagua on the receiving end, Bishop Mark took a swipe at the political class for the recent war of words.

"This nation is at a time when we need more prayers and intercession than any other thing. This is because the people whom we look up to for leadership are not leading us. Instead, they are talking at each other and that is not what Kenyans want to hear," said Bishop Mark.

On his part, Deputy President steered clear of the topic but indirectly indicated his support for what the Bishop had told the congregation.

"Members of the press, you have heard the Bishop and that is the message you should pass to Kenyans today. That is what should carry prominence tonight," said Gachagua.

The DP while affirming his confidence in the church termed members of the clergy as honest people who are valuable at guiding the political class.

"We are asking for your prayers for our President as he steers our country, especially on the economic aspect. Also, pray for me to continue being the truthful and honest man I am," said Gachagua.

Politicians accompanying Gachagua, however, revealed their indecisiveness on Finance Bill matter.